Katie Butler

My art doesn't aspire to be unique; instead, it seeks to connect on a level that
triggers authentic self-reflection.

My growth as an artist is deeply rooted in my maternal lineage of visual artists and
storytellers who encouraged my creative exploration from a young age. Accordingly, I
consider myself a “homemade”, rather than a “self-made”, artist. While the interests of
many artists in my family led them to create accurate visual retellings of North
American and Italian history, I resonated with the closer-to-home bedtime stories my
mother and grandmother would illustrate, where I was often the main character. Using
mainly acrylic paint and mixed media elements, I create figurative and narrative art,
heavily based on my personal reflections and feelings. I aim to set very specific,
imaginary scenes with moody lighting and flirtatious details that invite viewers into the
composition. My artistic style comes through in the technical application of my media,
with my intentional brushwork and mark-making. My art can also be recognized by
frequent themes of femininity, romance, and satire that influence the subject matter
and titles I choose. Through storytelling, I have found a powerful way to share the
emotions and experiences that are far from novel, but that feel so personal in the
moment. My art doesn't aspire to be unique; instead, it seeks to connect on a level that
triggers authentic self-reflection. I hope to elicit empathy from the viewer of my
artwork, evoking comfort or discomfort as they see themselves honestly–the always
messiness, sometimes silliness, and every so often tragedy of navigating the human