I would never leave the house without a pencil and paper or something that I could create with.
For as long as I can remember, I have always filled my time with drawing, painting or creating inone way or another. I would never leave the house without a pencil and paper or something that I could create with. After graduating from the Sheridan College Illustration Program, I worked as a freelance artist in the commercial arts field.
Eventually I joined a group of artists who painted portraits in the evenings using a live model. I switched from my first love, watercolours, to oils, and completely fell in love with the medium. Gradually, I had amassed a collection of work in my studio. I placed a few pieces on the walls of local shops. They were well-received and sold immediately. Eventually, I began to combine my passion for birds with my love of painting. Personifying birds, but never humanizing them, telling stories I wanted to share. I entered paintings into juried shows and received numerous awards and recognition for my work.
I continue to sell my work in local venues, galleries and art shows and am an elected member of the Ontario Society of Artists. I paint en plein air regularly and from models as often as I can. But, more often than not, I can be found happily painting in my home studio in Burlington, Ontario. The most important lesson I have learned is to trust myself and to create paintings that have meaning to me.