Brenda Hurley

Brenda paints impressionist landscapes that highlight the beauty of nature in a somewhat whimsical way.

Brenda Hurley is a Canadian emerging landscape artist that has been painting for about 7 years. Throughout her life, she has had a keen interest in the arts and always planned to take up some form of painting when life slowed down a bit and time permitted. When she retired in 2012, she began to search for an artistic outlet and discovered a love of oil painting.  The buttery consistency of the medium and the boldness of the colours excited her. She enjoys using vibrant colour and dynamic brush strokes in her paintings.


She paints impressionist landscapes that highlight the beauty of nature in a somewhat whimsical way. Brenda was introduced to painting with oil by local Thunder Bay landscape/wildlife artist, Stephen Krasemann at a weekend seminar 7 years ago. That spark has led to her keen and continued interest in the media. She continues to paint with and learn from a group of local Thunder Bay artists, The Group of Stephen on a weekly basis for several months of the year. She has also been privileged to attend several art retreats with award winning Canadian landscape painter Gordon Harrison. Gordon’s passion for his art and his generosity in sharing his techniques during his coaching sessions have contributed greatly to her growth as an artist and finding her own voice with oils and canvas.